Saturday, September 25, 2010

Drew and Tyler Ernst

Drew has become good friends with Tyler Ernst. They have similar personalities and play really well together. It is such a blessing to have a playmate for Drew.

Grayson's language takes off

Grayson has been pretty advanced in his speaking but in the last month or 2, he as starting to speak in full sentences. He will say, "Where daddy go?", "I don't want it.", or "Mommy, I need you."

Drew and Grayson call each other D

For some reason Drew likes to call Grayson "D". We aren't sure why, but now Grayson calls Drew "D" also. We suggested that Drew call Grayson "G", which would make more sense, but that didn't work.

Drew has 2 imaginary friends

Drew has a very vivid imagination. He is able to imagine just about anything with no problem, so I wasn't a bit surprised when he told me one day about his imaginary friends, Jack and Andrew. So far he has played pirate baseball with them outside and watched a Reds game with them on the steps leading to our upstairs.

Drew gives up his blankie

We had been preparing Drew for weeks before his 4th birthday that it was time to get rid of his blankie. On the day of his birthday, he threw them in the trash can outside. He did not cry, but it took him a few weeks to learn to go to sleep with out it. We think that he has stopped sucking his 2 fingers when he sleeps, but we aren't for sure.